Aging and Exercise

Aging and Exercise

As much as we despise growing old, aging is a natural process. There are many age related effects that we encounter such as muscle loss, fatigue, reduced bone density and strength. Despite this, there are many lifestyle changes we can make so as to reduce these...

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Extensor Tendinopathy

Extensor Tendinopathy

Today I want to talk to you about a common injury we see here at Watsonia Physiotherapy called extensor tendinopathy, which is more commonly known as "tennis elbow". Now in most cases we see this injury in athletes and manual workers, however, this highly restrictive...

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Sever’s Disease

Sever’s Disease

Sever’s disease is a common painful complaint among children aged approximately 7-15 years old. It occurs as the bones grow, usually during “growth spurts”, whereby the muscles get stretched and tug on the bones where they attach. In the heel, the pain that is caused...

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Henrietta’s Knee Blog

Henrietta’s Knee Blog

Hey guys, Since providing physiotherapy coverage for netballers at District tournaments I have noticed that the players present with common manageable injuries, namely long standing knee pain. I am referring to knee pain that has gradually come about without a...

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Winter Sports

Winter Sports

Sport is an important part of the culture in Australia, with a long history in the country dating back to the pre-colonial period. Australia's mild winters mean that in most parts of Australia, regular outdoor sports can be played all year, and indeed more vigorous...

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Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS, is one of the most common causes of pain that is felt on the outside of the knee. It is most common in runners, hikers and cyclists, but any athlete who plays sports that require repeated knee flexion can find themselves dealing with...

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