
Occupational Physiotherapy Provider Program to Improve Health Outcomes

A recent study published by the School of Physiotherapy at the Latrobe University in Bundoora has evaluated the return to work and health outcomes of a physiotherapy network provider program.

This study was conducted with 21 clients of network occupational physiotherapy (OP) providers and 21 matched clients of non-network providers. Health outcomes and return to work were recorded following the commencement of physiotherapy. Health outcomes included the return to usual activities and the overall perceived effect of treatment.

Within group changes showed that OP group improved significantly, in physical conditioning whereas the control group deteriorated in mental health status. The results showed a significant difference favouring the OP group for return to usual activities. While all job-attached participants returned to work following their accident, the OP clients demonstrated a greater change in physical functioning health outcomes over time.

This study provides support for the implementation of an Occupational Physiotherapy scheme.

At Watsonia Physiotherapy we offer General and Occupational Physiotherapy. We bulk bill under the Enhanced Primary Care Plan; therefore there is no out of pocket fee for you. And as a TAC patient, you do not have to pay the medical excess.

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