Blog – Health Tips

Henrietta’s Knee Blog

Henrietta’s Knee Blog

Hey guys, Since providing physiotherapy coverage for netballers at District tournaments I have noticed that the players present with common manageable injuries, namely long standing knee pain. I am referring to knee pain that has gradually come about without a...

Dry Needling – Tom O’Halloran

Dry Needling – Tom O’Halloran

"What is Dry Needling?" Is a question I am asked on a daily basis by confused patients.  To tell you the truth, I didn't know what it was until halfway through my physiotherapy degree.  As this technique is becoming ever increasingly popular with physiotherapists, I...

Winter Sports

Winter Sports

Sport is an important part of the culture in Australia, with a long history in the country dating back to the pre-colonial period. Australia's mild winters mean that in most parts of Australia, regular outdoor sports can be played all year, and indeed more vigorous...

Iliotibial Band Syndrome—Blog–Physio

Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS, is one of the most common causes of pain that is felt on the outside of the knee. It is most common in runners, hikers and cyclists, but any athlete who plays sports that require repeated knee flexion can find themselves dealing with...

Sports Injury Rehab

Physiotherapy plays an integral part in the multi-disciplinary approach to the management of sports injuries. The aim of physiotherapy is to treat and fully rehabilitate the athlete post-injury, post-operatively, to prevent further injury and to return the athlete to...

Keep Kids Exercising

Exercise may reduce the chances of obesity, which is becoming more common in children. It may also reduce the risk of diabetes, a disease that can be associated with a lack of exercise and poor eating habits. Exercise also helps children build social skills and...

Surviving Christmas

The Christmas holiday period is typically extremely busy and can also be extremely indulgent with everyone gorging themselves on a sumptuous Christmas pudding or wine and enjoying plenty of holiday hospitality with family and friends. In short, health and fitness is...

Childhood Musculoskeletal Growth Pain

Growing pains are common among children. As many as one in five children experience some degree of this real, but quite harmless muscular pain during early year. Growing pains are most prominent between the ages of three to five and eight to eleven. The most common...

Physiotherapy for Injury Prevention

Many people come to see us after they have suffered an injury, and we are happy to help them; but many of these injuries could have been prevented if they had come before they had the injury. A great part of the physiotherapy treatment protocol has to do with injury...

Osteoarthritis: How Can Physiotherapy Help?

Osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative joint disease affects a large number of the population and can be well managed by maintenance physiotherapy and a prescribed exercise program. Although it is the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA) is just one of...